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PUT /tenants/:tenantId/stripe-subscriptions


Note: You and your company are soley responsible for invoices for the users (customers), as well as all tax obligations that result in any country for you and your company. Use the stripe test API to check your invoices before going into production. E.g., if all necessary data is displayed, as well as if the correct tax is applied, and so on.

This route upgrades or downgrades a running subscription of a tenant at the end of the current billing cycle.

Request Method:

  • PUT

Base URL:


End Point:

  • /v1/tenants/:tenantId/stripe-subscriptions
Path Variables:
:tenantIdStringtruethe UUID of the tenant
Query Parameters:


HTTP Headers:

Note: Never use API Keys on the client

Access from your server via API keys:

X-API-KEYStringtrueOnly access to AppApi key for the userdocks app
X-API-KEY-TYPEStringtrueOnly access to Appwrite
X-CLIENT-IDStringtrueOnly access to AppUUID of the userdocks app

Access from the client via an access token:

AuthorizationStringtrueOnly access to this tenantAccess Token for userdocks tenant

HTTP Body:

Note: optional variables are marked with a ? (questionmark) at the end. Do not include the questionmark in the request.

A JSON object.

"price": String, // stripe price ID
"taxRate": String, // stripe tax rate ID
"quantity": Number,
"tenantId": String,
"userId": String,
"test"?: Boolean, // if true uses the stripe test API


  • Object


try {
// call userdocks user management API
const response = await fetch('', {
method: 'PUT',
headers: {
// 'Authorization': String, // when accessed from the client e.g. `Bearer ${accessToken}`
'X-API-KEY': String,
'X-CLIENT-ID': String,
'X-API-KEY-TYPE': 'write',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
price: String,
taxRate: String,
quantity: Number,
test?: Boolean,
tenantId?: String,
userId?: String,
const { data } = await response.json();

// do something with the data
} catch (err) {
// handle error

Successful Response:

Can have the following HTTP Status Codes:

  • 200 - OK
// PUT /v1/tenants/:tenantId/stripe-subscriptions
"success": Boolean,
"message": String,
"error": null,
"data": null,

Error Response:

Can have the following HTTP Status Codes:

  • 400 - Bad Request
  • 401 - Unauthorized
  • 403 - Forbidden
  • 500 - Internal Server Error
// PUT /v1/tenants/:tenantId/stripe-subscriptions
"success": Boolean,
"error": String,
"message": null,
"data": null